You're The Best Part Of Me Poem by Practicing Poetess

You're The Best Part Of Me

Rating: 5.0

You're black coffee; I'm the cream
I am waking; You're the dream
I am Venus; You are Mars
You're the sky; I am your stars.
I'm the mirror; You're the shield
To your charms I gladly yield
You are blue, while I am pink
When I flash a smile, you wink
I'm the circle; You're the square
We are such a perfect pair.
You're the theme of my Erato;
When we sing, you're the vibrato.
You're the Yang to my Yin
You are why my heart does spin.
You're the horse to my cart;
I'm the muse to your art.
You're the He to my She;
You're the best part of me.

Opposites do attract!
Prabir Gayen 15 January 2019

You're the Yang to my Yin You are why my heart does spin. You're the horse to my cart; I'm the muse to your art. You're the He to my She; You're the best part of me.....very fine write..thanks

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Practicing Poetess 15 January 2019

You are most welcome, Prabir. Thank YOU for reading! : -)

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Dr Antony Theodore 14 November 2018

I am waking; You're the dream I am Venus; You are Mars You're the sky; I am your your charms i gladly yield........beautiful love and romantic poem. thanku. tony

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Practicing Poetess 14 November 2018

Thank you, Dr. Tony, for your beautiful comment! : -)

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Carl Roussell 13 November 2018

I really like the opposites expressed in each line, the rhyming couplets - this is a really good song lyric! I used an elementary chord progression on acoustic guitar, and used the last two lines as a chorus. Thanks for penning an excellent poem and giving motivation to write some new music.

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Practicing Poetess 14 November 2018

Carl, Thank YOU so much! : -) Wish there was some way that I could hear what you'd played- - I love to hear my poems set to music. Gives them a whole new life of their own!

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Aqua Flower 02 August 2018

You definitely Ace'd this love poem which draws the reader in completely with it's lovely rhyme scheme and message! And a fabulous ending as well! 10+++++++

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Practicing Poetess 03 August 2018

Thank you, Aqua! Who better to be a qualified judge of the merits of a love poem, than another expert talent in the field of love poems! :)

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Michael Walker 02 August 2018

A fine love poem, addressed to a lucky man. Brilliant use of antithesis: 'circle'-'square'; 'yin'-yang'. 'You're the best part of me'.

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Practicing Poetess 02 August 2018

Thanks, Michael, but if there's a lucky man involved, I don't know who he is, and may not have even met him yet! This is poem is merely my skill in composing love poetry from my fertile imagination (one of the best gifts a writer can possess.) I hope someday to be able to present this poem to some 'lucky man' (in real life.) Antithesis is what makes the male/female thing work!

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