Let There Be Poem by pang david

Let There Be

It was you who makes me awake all night
It was you why I kept on thinking
It was you who bothers me a lot
Why can’t I resist your existence?
Why I don’t mind everyone when I’m with you?
Is it your touch that makes me feel safe?
Is it you smile that lifted my spirit?
Or a dream that vanished in a thin air.

Hold me like what you always do and don’t ever loosen its tight
I may fall each day but may not survive once it’s loosen
When our at my side, I feel comfortable
Lean on your back to have some rest and wish this day won’t end
Talk nonsense things all day
Even walk a mile beside you
Be with you and wait till dawn until I know you’re safe.

You may not see that stuff I made
But how I wish you’ll appreciate it.
You may not hear my heartbeat
It was you it keeps on shouting.
You may not feel the tenderness of my touch
As it runs through your body
Coz it never given a chance.

Let this voice come to you
And let you know what I’m trying to say
Let this hands hold you to make you feel safe
Let this body hug you tight to warm your cold evening
And let this heart to be with you, to be a part of you, and to be the reason of breathing.

pang david

pang david

manila, philippines
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