Let's Learn From Experience. Poem by Nabakishore Dash

Let's Learn From Experience.

Rating: 5.0

Enforcement of
temporary lock down,
social distancing,
mandatory use of masks,
partly restricted free movements,
other liberties in tact,
not at all touched,
man felt a fish out of water
during Corona pandemic.
This became unbearable,
gave rise to dissent, protests,
yellow bile and
made men choleric.

Men don't bother, in toto,
joviality and freedom of
winged fliers in the sky,
swift runners on the land, ,
keep them as pets in cages,
kennels and zoos,
for years together,
their wishful movements
and biological urges
suppressed for ever.
Let's learn from our
experience of pandemic
how stone hearted we are
to have kept them
in captivity for
business and fun,
bid farewell to
Our sadism and callousness
by change of our behavior.

Temporary restrictions made our lives miserable, let us be considerate to keep animals in captivity.
Rose Marie Juan-austin 13 October 2021

The pandemic has modified many things. Yet, a lot of lessons are learned for our life's journey.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 13 October 2021

A well written poem of great insight.

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Dr Dillip K Swain 16 September 2021

Best of luck! !

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Dr Dillip K Swain 16 September 2021

If you are really new, better study the environment from all directions before putting ink on paper.

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Dr Dillip K Swain 16 September 2021

i don't know you but I find some substances in your poetry

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Nabakishore Dash. 17 September 2021

Dear sir, lockdown prompted me to write my experiences with my limited vocabulary.so new really, no doubt atall.Msny thanks for your comments.I find substance in your as well as other poems I have read so far in this site.Thanks for your useful comments and wish.

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