A man loses little when he loses his wealth,
He loses more when he loses his health,
But only one thing if lost makes him fall
Morality; for he loses his sense of sanity
Here, you can hear it in your dreams
You can feel it while daydreaming
The chants of morality
More in this contemporary world
Our parents and elders' watchword
To turn over a new leaf
To be distinct from infidels
The yell to shun lasciviousness
These are better pills to swallow
But their diction from our parents' lips
Are as common as the old shoes
As archaic as our liaison of morality
As primitive as our norms of scolding
The change the ancestors want will evolve
Not until hell freezes over
Burning the candle from both ends
Adamant lads are not just seeing it
Sons and daughters of the praying mothers
With hardened hearts they exist
While burning the midnight oil
Even as rods intend to cause a change
Morality gets narrow down the lane
To restructure the manner of correction
To re-brand alchemy of moral teaching
Decency could be filled to its brim
Societal change could be fostered
Youths can sense a paradigm shift
To turn back from their evil ways
© Damilare (2018)
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem