Life Poem by Sandra Kelley


Life drags her down
She pulls herself up

Life trips her up
She stands up head held high

Life pulls her to the darkest place
She walks out into the light with Faith in her mind and heart

Life hits her
She just smiles walking away

Life beats her down
She gets up with defaculity

Life turns her in the direction of hell
She walks that way for a while and turns around walking away

Life slaps her making her fall to the ground
She lays there almost giving up but she can't

Life pushes her down
She says down crying with everything in her but gets back up

Life kicks her around
She is losing Faith with every step she takes

Life gives her hell
She has lost hope and Faith

Life thinks she's had enough but pulls her down again
She lays there not moving not eating

Life tries pulling her up again
She is slowly dying inside

Life brings her hope and Faith again
She ignores everything and everyone not caring

Life sends love to her
She pushes them away

Life sees she's breaking and dying
She has no tears left to shed

Life sends friends
She's dying slowly and she doesn't know it yet

Life sends helping hands
She pushes them away as well

Life has seen what it's done
She walks away from eveyone and everything

Life goes back to pulling pushing kicking her down
She doesn't do anything all hope and Faith gone

Life gives one last kick
He pulls her up off the ground

She looks up at the guy who has helped her
He looks at the girl he just helped and smiles

Life kicks her around still
She gets back up but has lost all Faith in her God

Life pulls her to hell
She walks out with her hand held supporting her

Life may kill you and push you around but try and stand tall no matter what even if you have to lean on someone for support, I am really independent person like REALLY independent but sometimes I have to lean on someone for help
Sandra Kelley

Sandra Kelley

Waco, Texas
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