Lions And Cubs Poem by Mustafa Marconi

Lions And Cubs

Why is it that you never seem to understand
And no matter how loud the music
You never hear a single chord
A cub learns to roar by watching the Lion
And no boy who is raised by his father
Neglects his family
You say that I’m not needed here
That both of you would be better off
If I was dead
You don’t need me to raise our son
But you do need me to raise a man
Why else do you think I’ve stuck around
Sentence myself to a life of constant chaos and confusion
Of emotional frustrations and a never ending stream
Of needless arguments and confrontations
He never asked to be here
And no matter how badly I yearn to leave
There was something very basic I always understood
Something you just never seem to understand
No matter how loud the music
You never heard a single chord
A boy learns strength by watching his father
Handle all of life’s adversities
And no son who is nurtured by his father
Abandons his family
You were attracted to me because I was strong
Because the primary responsibility of every man
Is to protect his family
Because you found in me
Something you never possess
A decisive and loving man; a true to life role model
Now you detest my presence
Because I stand firm with my convictions
Because I stand true to my word
Because I don’t conform to political correctness
And because I remember my past
You say that you don’t need me
But no woman can teach a boy how to pee straight
And no woman can teach a boy
How to love, cherish and respect a lady
He learns these thing by watching his father
Your father wasn’t there
And now the whole world must pay for his shortcomings
But I’m here and have always been here
Protecting, guiding, and nurturing
Why do you resent me for being good to my boy
For playing the roles that life has given me
To the best of my ability
Why is it that you never seem to understand
And no matter how loud the music
You never hear a single word
Your father wasn’t there
And inside of your heart there is a deep pain
That no man can heal
Now you believe that by getting rid of me
All of your suffering will miraculously go away
You know maybe your right
Maybe you can finally purge all of your personal demons
With my departure
Just remember a cub learns dominance by watching the Lion
And no man who has been raised by his father
Will let you keep his son away from him

Mustafa Marconi

Mustafa Marconi

New York, New York
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