Live And Let Live Poem by Francis Duggan

Live And Let Live

For as long as you never harm anybody and try to help others on your life's way
And never make an enemy on purpose and respect to the rights of others pay
And never lie about the character of others one's character
should be a sacred thing
By your words never try to put down others but by all means their praises you should sing.

live and let live does always hold such relevance even in this modern age of the twenty first century
In fact it does apply to everybody as well of course to you as well as me
Yes live and let live is our best way to live with our words we should not drag others down
Though few of us at all are near to perfect you will not find a saint in every town.

Live and let live in our lives we should practice to untruthful words one's good character can fall
One can only respect those honourable people who honour the truth in a fair go for all
Why should one disrespect one because of money respect the poor pauper and the billionaire
As long as they do not get rich by deception and in their dealings with others be honest and fair.

As long as you never do harm anybody and try for to do a good deed every day
Though you may not be wealthy and looked up to by others in the eyes of karma you are doing okay
And karma is real and it is said of karma that the karma we reap is the karma we did sow
And if you live and let live and be kind to others the best of good karma you only will know.

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