Lonely Night Poem by Rik Bertrand

Lonely Night

I noticed that I am alone, and I have been for a while,
My heart feels really low and it hard for me to smile.
Give me a minute alone, so that I can gather myself,
Let me walk over to the cupboard and take my pity from the shelf.

There are times when one just wanders about,
Not knowing life, just wanting sit alone and pout.
I am not saying that is who I am or the one I want to be,
It is just an observation. while in the mirror I see only me.

I sit here and write and I look at this screen of white,
Writing lonely words into the wee hours of the night.
Tears well up inside of me, and I do not hold the back.
I let them flow down my cheeks, I am such a sad sack.

Life not bad its just a phase that will be over by the mourn,
Sometimes feeling lonely can mend what is torn.
Life comes in many parts, and sadness is but one,
And in the end I am a happy man, when all is said and done.

REB (JULY 2O12) Sometimes ya just feel all alone.

Rik Bertrand

Rik Bertrand

Portland, Oregon
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