Lost Friends Poem by Aubrey Silver

Lost Friends

i came to you with scars on my wrist and i said i want this to be the last time feeling like this.
i handed you the knife and i asked you to take my life but instead you simply put the knife down and made me lie in your lap
you petted me like you used to do when we were young and just met
i lie there and cry and you say comforting things to me to calm me down
but now your gone and i cant find another and its time for me to say good bye
so i lie in bed staring up at the ceiling and i take the kife and plundge it into my bed side table and i take out the razor and make a long cut on my vein.
you are lost and dead but i live on as the immortal you always said i was
i cut a design into my wrists and let the blood flow onto the floor and then i cut the left vein and i join you in heaven my last words are
'this is the last time feeling like this.....this is the last time you and i will be apart..........this is the last time they will see me breathing.'

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