Lost Souls Poem by SPC Kellaway

Lost Souls

James finds his way through dark icy roads
Deep in his thoughts of long lost happiness
Two years on the streets, his birthday approaches
Soon to be fifteen on a lonely Christmas Day
Older in mind than he will ever become
He has seen the darkness in too many eyes
The peace that he seeks avoids his path
He finds his quarry in a desolate doorway
A desperate man with a loathsome need
In a brief five minutes that seems like an hour
The boy walks away with silent tears
Clutching the money so tight in his hand
His young shoulders carrying the world
How much longer can he bear the weight?
Near the hostel where the light shines bright
Two wait in silence like vultures of the dark
They sense his presence before he appears
And in his weakened state he has no fight
They flee the scene with just 5 golden coins
Torn from his hand as his life drains away
He becomes a statistic on an ER file
Another runaway for the inside pages
A forgotten name in a forgetful world
We will never remember him
Happy Christmas?

Sid John Gardner. 06 December 2008

Dont blame James, Blame the Ghoul in the doorway and the two derelicts in the hostel doorway.Its the world inherited from the previous generation that preached that 'Self Reliance' and 'There is no such thing as society' is the only creed.The 'Rest' can go to the wall.Also de-skilling the labour force, destruction of manufacturibg industry and the deliberate degradation of science and technology in this country has given birth to the society you see today in the good old UK. Great free writing Sam.Very well constructed and poignant. Best wishes, Sid.

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