Lost Visions Now Return Poem by Edmund V. Strolis

Lost Visions Now Return

Rating: 4.0

The old books how they shine
Poetry and history combine
Wisdom too of pioneers
Men and women blazing trails
Tales of great adventures
From Twain to Melville's whale
Once again with passion burning
I feel again the planet turning
Sweet solitude how rich you are
You are my friend, my northern star
And with each candle that I light
Lost visions now return
Together we will host the night
So long as our flame burns

Lost Visions Now Return
Norah Tunney 19 April 2017

I love the image of hosting the night with the north star as long as the the candle and flame of inspiration continue to burns. We poets understand. And maybe if the inspiration is as constant as the Northstar it will be steadfast. This sounds like an ideal life a poet inspired to write and enjoying the deep solitude of night. Surrounded by the great classics, old books and thinking of the these trail blazers and pioneers. Inspiration all round. Now what more could one ask for. What I love most here is the atmosphere you create through these images Edmund

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Edmund Strolis 19 April 2017

Thanks Norah. Yes indeed. Old books shine when dusted off and in a cozy cave where time stands still they come to life. We hurry along now in society and even those of us most mindful of this clock driven culture are apt to be distracted by those things physical and mental that vie for our attention. When the clock becomes good for kindling and each moment stands alone in silent reckoning the snap of the fire is heard, the wind cheating the pane and time and self at last are one. You understood not just the essence of this writing but I would have to be blind not to see the same spirit in all that you write.I think that is best of all.

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Jazib Kamalvi 17 April 2017

A nice poem on marital love. Thanks

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