Love..45460 Poem by dorian suchelle


Smile as a brand new day approaches o'er the horizon the and one by one the stars in the sky slowly fade to nothing and the once black sky replaced by white clouds and bluer skies as young hearts beats wiiild and full of passion in these eyes in your eyes looks of beauty and sweetness as seconds tick away and the rest of an hours go by like the soft winds as birds fly by that sun rises getting bri
ghter and hotter warming this soul of mine as that cold breeze sends chills down my spine clouds go by voice off into the distance or screams of my mind i dont know thoughts a thought of you a thought in your smile time goes by time after time hours pass ther sun begins to set o'er the horizon all over again as it always does nite quickly is fallin and again stars pop into existence bright and beautiful i think back to that thought in her smile in your smile the winds pick up again i look up into the lonliness a shooting star streaks by i dont make a wish a smile forms in my mind i look back up for a long time as i am lost in thought the day is over.... my heart beats i think back to a wish.......and id wish to spend...everymoment with you.........nuff said

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