Love And Green Tomatoes... Poem by Connetta Jean

Love And Green Tomatoes...

Helen and Jake
used to live on a farm.
together they grew
a huge garden.
Every Friday
spring summer and fall
they sat uptown
at the Farmers Market.
Lots of people came there
to buy green tomatoes
3 for a dollar.
Helen loved repeating
How Green tomatoes
sell better than red
but she hated to pick them
'Before they was done'..
These days Helen waits
for someone to offer
her a ride to the store.
and out to the rest home
to visit with Jake..
Jake long ago forgot her.
he just sits and stares.
Nurses say
He's never a problem.
(Till Helen arrives.)
After 69 years together....
I doubt one could convince her
Jake doesn't 'Hear Her'........
She can't understand
the way he ignores her.
she thinks he's pretending.
tells him to 'snap out of it.'
But their time is done.
and all that's left
Of Helen and Jake
are memories
and pictures.
Holding her hand
i tell her with love,
a Granddaughter's lie..
that grandpa remembers
I say He's okay,
Just tired and
Being moody today.
whispering in her ear
(typical man) ..
I watch Her old sad eyes
start to shine and sparkle
as he smiles at her
reaching for the
green tomato sandwich
We always take him...
I take pictures
of them smiling
(Something for her to hold
once I take her home..)
And join in the laughter
as they both say together
'green is better than red..'

Francesca Johnson 11 March 2009

Words can sometimes do things to my emotions and this poem got me by the throat, Connetta. Most of us know people like this.....our relatives and friends. True life pictures here. Superb reading for me. Fran xx

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