Love Is - 9 Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Love Is - 9

Rating: 5.0

Love is
When you can share and offer
A part of your wealth for the poor and poverty stricken,
A part of your income to care for the sick and old,
A part of your earning to look after birds and animals,
To go beyond walls of prejudice, rivalry and hatred,
To rise above the discrimination of black, brown or white.

Love Is - 9
Monday, October 12, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: colour,equality,humanity,love,love and life,old,sharing,sick
Rajnish Manga 12 October 2020

Each word is worth its value in gold. Effluent people should come out in support of less fortunate people and act for their welfare. People, in general, should discard the vices that are present in the society in the form of prejudice, rivalry and hatred and racial discrimination of of all kind. Also be kind to the animals. Stupendous poem in a short format. Thanks, Geeta ji.

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Prem Nizar Hameed 12 October 2020

A nice composition with love, kindness, empathy and humanity. Thank you for sharing, Geeta ji.

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Bri Edwards 12 October 2020

so, Geeta, ...i'm " old" . [see your line 4] do you " love" ME? ! the photo reminds me of a triple-scoop ice cream cone, top to bottom: licorice stick, mocha, & vanilla bean, all organic...of course! bri :)

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It is very important indeed to share with others a part of what we have.Love is sharing and caring without prejudice and discrimination of any kind. Another thoughtful lesson of life. Thank you Geeta.

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Khairul Ahsan 21 October 2020

Yes, love is 'to rise above the discrimination of black, brown or white'. The graphic also clearly shows that. Loved your lovely poem defining love.

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Yiyan Han 16 October 2020

Yeah charity is an act of love

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Kumarmani Mahakul 16 October 2020

How love occurs among humans, animals and birds has been astutely delineated by you. I appreciate this poem alongwith graphic provided by you. Beautiful poem.

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M Asim Nehal 14 October 2020

Indeed sharing and caring is love. Nothing can be better than the way you expressed your feelings on love. Superb poem Geetaji 10**

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