Love Like A Child Poem by Mazak Naglootiuka

Love Like A Child


O' Child I see, playing near the fast moving stream,
in summer time, climbing a tree

You look below, wanting to jump
but sit again hesitantly into the leaves

O' child I know your every fear,
from falling to the pain of the hurt

But listen to me now
A leave him be
For child I know that you are me


I am but a child,
inquisitive as any
and now with first rays of summer
I decided to climb this tree

To see a new view,
to glean a new sight
to look from above
and the upturned world below

But now I am
worried about coming down
jump towards the earth
a journey not done before

And so I call unto thee,
a little wish or a prayer be,
' Catch me if I fall'


Like every ship has its shore,
every room but one door,
and just as a lock cant be opened by every key

So thus it is that I can't catch thee

But like every wandering sheep,
lost and looking for a stream
wait but thou for the Shepherd
who will guide thee to thine destiny

In this poem I have attempted to imitate parts of the style of John Donne. Instances of this are the pace, the religious imagery and the rhyme scheme. To get into the mood of this poem, I read 'Death, be not proud by him'. The idea (plot) meanwhile is entirely mine and based on a dream. It is about a girl in love. The first section is her addressing a child meant to represent the child within her. The child wants to jump (confess the love) , meanwhile the more mature girl is hesitant. The second part describes the situation from the child (the girl inexperienced in these dealings of love) . It shows her innocence and how staking everything she is willing to jump hoping that he catches her. The third stage meanwhile, is the girl's object of affections reply to her. It says that he isn't the one for her. But instead she should wait for the one that is the right one for her. This poem can be described as a coming of age poem as it deals with young love and leads to the maturing of the girl.

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