Love Symphony: Improvisation 12 20 2004 Poem by Lee B. Mack

Love Symphony: Improvisation 12 20 2004

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Early morning aromas spread seedless perfume mists to
garnish oven bread in lilac wanderlust as soapy scruffs on
the sterile crusted skin, after smells behave as astringent
after shave under chins of shadow from the scrapes of follicles
under full light rose reddened compass holidays -arriving
birds light to crow on the crown of bells above the sound
of engine wells, belly-up might force the aged to fall released
horns of testicle musk birthing aims of love for spring

for what I said of you, you said of me we read
what you read we must have sung as said
no love symphony colors more of you tomorrow
than songs this moment sung sing longer days
for all of you a morning mist a water wheel a pool
I must say today today’s meaning dissolves into a
tomorrow of you in slices of infinity –that’s true

from inside an invisible wall I penetrate into you
then done today less love discover
more tomorrow in a fantasy of you I say you
I hold onto you possess you I refuse else to do
what adds to you when more to me to do today
would be a fantasy of incomplete tomorrow
tonight I plunge into love with you to a lasting end

I sleep as sound as through to-day-light spot me
that gift that began in you a wishful coating glows
as light of life that shines on me not ill invent but glad
to grant whether faith fails today is tomorrow meant
to seem to mean to be I say only necessarily
in as much as tomorrow completes
itself to come to end in you.

Lee B. Mack

Lee B. Mack

Shelbyville, Kentucky
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