Love Trend Poem by Ardimus Caldwell

Love Trend

How do you know when a person loves you
Is it the look in their eye's
That twinkle that shines only that coud be seen if you look hard Enough
Or how many times yall hold hands
How our fingers twisted and interlock
So tight air shut
Or measurred by how many times we kissed
The raw passion that fueled our tongues when in each others mouth
Or is it the amount of nicknames that we share
Like love you boo
See ya'honey
Hey babe
I'm sorry baby
Yeah snuckumms
Now that alittle out of your league
But when did love become a mystery
Second guessing your gift for valintimes day is good
Wondering if they aren't cheating with your next door nieghbor
Or your best friend
What happen to love
When the words wasn't laid around your neck
Wearn as a chain that could be taken off whenever you feel
Put back on when company comes over and you need to be on your good Behavior
Not to make a show in front of guest
When did fighting a way to show love
I mean where did 'love taps' come from
When was throwing a dish at the person who had your son caring for Their well being
Breaking them to them to say, 'hey still thinking of you'
When did love turn into words
Not those words but calling girls or your lady out of her name
If the 'b' word isn't said then she say that you don't love her
Where did i end up
Alice and Wonder Land
Where there lives talking cards walk and smoking incets talk
Are you smoking crack
Is the universe at a tilt
When was romance a date to McDonald's
Dollar menu
Yeah babe this just for you
And everyone else waiting in line
Did romance die along side with our grandmothers and grandfathers
When kids going around having more relationships then the adults
Whatever happen to the picnic outside
Where did the candle lit smell like japenese rose bloosm go
When did those stop becoming romantic
Now it's once every blue moon
And guess what folk the moon isn't blue
But all i got to say is when did love become a trend thing

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