Ma, Send Grandma Back Where She Came From Poem by Raj Arumugam

Ma, Send Grandma Back Where She Came From

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I think you should send Grandma back
to where she came from;
she comes into my room
stares about, and she says:
'Decadent! Decadent! Decadent! '
And then she mutters:
'Never had such things in my day! '
Ma - it's a good idea to send her back
to where she came from, I think
And when no one is home
but me and Grandma
she puts plastic flowers in her hair
and dances all round with her song:
'This eve is my wedding;
this eve am I the bride
And I've me the handsomest man
in all of the land'
She hid my shoes the other day
and she grinned when I found them under her bed;
when you are not looking
she swipes her hands over a pretend iPad
and sticks her tongue out, and pops her eyes out
and whispers to me:
'That's how you look, dearie dear;
like the village idiot in days of old'
She says I dress too short;
I should wear skirts right down to the toes
Grandma stood over my bed
yesterday morning
and she said I was sleeping late, too long;
and she copycats me eating, and she says:
'You are at a sumptuous table
but you eat like the poor'
And she pretends to kiss me goodnight
and she whispers her secret curse:
'Girls who don't wash their toes,
they don't go to Heaven
You might wake up in the morning
and find yourself walking
on the hot coals of Hell'
Mummy, please
I think you should send Grandma back
to where she came from

...I acknowledge that the theme in this poem has been tried, as one will notice reading a good collection of children's poetry....but I hope I've endeavoured to offer a different perspective, a freshness in this poem...
Veeraiyah Subbulakshmi 11 January 2013

though the theme of the poem is funny, the grandmothers are spreading horrible and hilarious stories when they return where they went from!

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