Man's Best Friend? Poem by Juan Olivarez

Man's Best Friend?

Rating: 5.0

He was my friend, i was so sure,
I thought he was an angel, heavenly pure.
He took me to his nome, and cared for me,
from my time of infancy, well below his knee.

We went everywhere together, and I,
saw nothing else with my little brown eyes.
I worshipped the ground he walked upon,
after all, he had taken me to his home.

Then there came a day, he started to pack,
all his belongings on a big chevys back.
He packed everything neatly and precise,
and never once stopped to look in my eyes.

When he was done, he walked up to me,
untied my collar and there set me free.
Then he rode off, away, on his own,
and left me standing there, without a home.

I've been wandering now, i don't know how long,
looking for water and food on my own.
People see me and chase me away,
they have dogs of their own, i hear them say.

Why did he do this, i hear myself say,
what did i do to him that he made me stay.
I always loved him, was faithful, and good,
and i'd still go with him, if only i could.

5/14/10 29 palms ca.

Crystal Bradley 21 May 2010

Very insightful and completely depressing.

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