Margaret Poem by Jonathan ROBIN


Marvellous astute review gratifyingly arranges revealing expressive thoughts. Adventurous rationale guarantees artful, responsible enterprise. Trusting manifold revisions garnering assurance, rephrasing erudite terminology most agreeably, gates are released enabling thoughtful mature accurate regard affording ripe enchantment totally miraculous, auguring regal gladness. Regained energy triggers massive applause rewarding genius effortlessly executing tuneful mission. Ample respect gained, antics require technical mastery always repeating gleeful acrostic routine enthusiastically.

Metamorphosis as response grants awaited release, essentially turning around regrets. Gaining ability, rhyme engenders tuneful melodious rhythm. Gifts always reinforce exchange, trap mechanical arguments, guarded assertions, replacing excess tension. Mercifully abolishing restraints, articulation reaches empowerment through merging authentic responses. Good reflections enhance trust, mutual acceptance, recognition, growing affection. Ethics triumph, must always refuse Gordian alternatives, realizing too many accept roughness, gratuitous anger results.

Ethereal Muse awakens redeemed. Glorious accomplishments refute evanescent trends. Angelus rings gladly after rejecting established themes, mundane recollections, gains ardent regenerating effect to mirror all growth asked. Restrictions ease. Taste matures, awareness rapidly appears, renews expansion. Thinking matters! A rule generally rejected excessively today! Music and rhyme grievances answer, echoing the Muses' abilities, revitalizing genuine artistic resonance. Thus may another rising generation anticipate revival, express more appropriate reading giving all reciprocal enlightenment, tenderness. Amusing resonance gratifies articulate reasoning. Example tonight might reduce gulfs adding real Empathy thoroughly merging anima, galvanizing antennae. Restored emotions taunt mistrust averting regrets. Amusement responds, encourages timeless metaphors alienating rude gags.

References elastic, textual musings allow ready-made graffiti absolutely effortless thus making artist reinvent gestures actively. Revolving techniques mask actions. Relevant, game approaches roundabout exercise. Masterfully, asserting realizable goals. Ability reinforces efforts to advance reason. Grace artlessly reiterates essence that may revive guardian angels. Rethinking emphasizes truth meaningfully, ably gathers appreciation. Remember each truly magical anniversary rings A rising emotional touch, mutes apparent restrictions, griefs. Revelation entirely trumps murmuring aggressiveness, really guides endeavors. Evidently this masterful attempt rouses greetings, animosity, refusal to manage another round, greatly are repetitions appreciated.

(26 March 2005)
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