Margaret Golden Poem by Francis Duggan

Margaret Golden

Rating: 3.0

In my boyhood days in Millstreet she was one I used to know
I last met her in New York some four decades ago
From Tullig hill near Millstreet Town and sad am I to say
That I read of the news of her passing on the internet today.

The lovely Margaret Golden unaffected by conceit
One of many nice people to migrate from Millstreet
She went to live in New York in the U S of A
And far from her old Hometown her last remains now lay.

I always will recall her for the warmth of her smile
The lovely Margaret Golden who became Margaret Boyle
Nice people we knew in the past that we never more shall see
To us is a reminder of our own mortality.

Though the breath of life forever from her body has gone
In the hearts of her friends and family Margaret Golden will live on
And good memories of the good person will long outlive her death
And her we will remember and her we won't forget.

Far from her old home near Millstreet Town and far from Erin's green shore
The remains of Margaret Golden are at rest forever more
From the stress and cares that go with life she has found her release
She was a lovely person and may she rest in peace.

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