Maybe When Time Stops Poem by Bragg Adocio

Maybe When Time Stops

Rating: 2.9

Maybe in another place...
Another time...
Another demension....
Maybe, when time itself stops dead in it's tracks, when it's sands take their last fall, and when the smell of a new day takes it's last breath....
Maybe then... true happiness can be achieved.
Maybe then, absolute bliss will be within reach.
Maybe then, joy will be like breathing,
Death will be an inhabitant of the blue moon,
And ecstasy, pleasure, and pure elation, would become daily drugs like flintstones vitamins.
A different color,
another character,
another personality,
and yet, all still smiling.
Why is that? ....
Why is it that pain and suffering come so easy to us?
We only seek happiness, so why do so many of us inflict the opposite on others?
Why do we cheat?
Why do we lie?
Why do we shut those out in the cold that only ask for warmth in our arms?
Why the greed?
Why the malice?
Why the suffering?
Why is it that the things we long for most, come with the most potent pains and sufferings?
Why..... the love?
Why the doppleganger,
Why lust! ?
Why 'like'! ?
Why 'just-a-friend'! ?
Why 'not-right-now'! ?
Why jealousy,
The words that pierce the page,
The numbness through the days,
The thought of a twelve guage! ?
Loss of self-control,
The finding of a hole,
The staring at the spinning and the twirling, and the running, and the screaming, and, worst of all, the crying! ?
Why bleed tears! ?
Why cry fire! ?
What, to cleanse soul! ?
Why not put the damn thing higher so the mud dnt reach! ?
Why throw dirty words! ?
Why am I screaming! ?
Why so angry! ?
Why! ..... lock phantom doors behind millineum windows, float, river pain through dark-safe tunnels until a rainy day?
Why not now?
Why not soon?
Why not Happy when wanted rather than Happy when needed?
Why not, fall down, darker doors, dirty windows, lead light through rose-painted glass like bloody tears of joy on nightime's death-day?
Why not make-out with the morning like 'sunkist'?
Why not, not, leave me hanging like 'too bad'?
Like, 'so sad',
Like, 'Too late',
'Your bad, not mine, no, I'm not to blame, it's you who've come up short of my reach! '
Why not, not, fall?
Why not, not, cry?
Why not.... not, love? When all it's good for is opening your hard outer skin and preparing it for impact with a brick wall?
Why not, not, try, when all it's good for is a torturous journey?
Why push forward,
When we rarely find what we seek?
When all we seek is joy... why is it that we indure so much pain?
Maybe.... to know the difference?
I guess I'll find out.....
When time stops.

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