Memories Poem by Linda Ori


Rating: 5.0

It seems like only yesterday
The first time that we met
He filled my heart with happiness
And dreams I can't forget;
I looked into his smiling eyes
And saw my future there
For this was the beginning
Of the life we were to share;
He taught me oh so many things
I'd never known before
Of love and understanding
Of sacrifice and more;
He brought me days of sunshine
And also days of rain
At times he brought such gladness
And other times such pain;
Sometimes he was an angel
His sweetness never ceased,
At other times he turned into
A hateful little beast;
But nothing that he ever did
Could take away the pride
I felt each time I looked at him
He made me melt inside;
It seems like only yesterday
He came into my life,
But soon I know my little boy
Will trade me for a wife.

Not a member No 4 08 February 2007

It's a two way street though. His stock of memories will be building up too! ! It's a brilliant portrait Linda. It's poetic and very loving of course, but both are strengthened by it's rock solid honesty! It's a full picture. Superb. xx jim

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Nimal Dunuhinga 25 March 2006

Excellent! Linda your sweet memories of bygone days...........turning the pages of intimacy...........time is the precious thing that we cannot hold and the mirror shows the bitter truth.I love this poem very much.

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