Memories Of Parents Poem by John A'Hern

Memories Of Parents

Rating: 5.0

Mist, known by coastal folk
clears slowly to reveal memories.
Silhouette becomes visible
jaunty walk a cheese cutter on head

know you well or maybe not.
Man, of few words never a shout
look of the eyes or maybe a nod
temper never lost, not even a swear word
A touch or a handshake lost in translation.

Wait until your father comes home
threat dealt with by looks,
quiet life is all he asked,
doing his best in going forward.

His bastion his shed full of bird life,
canaries' budgies, all large as life
talking and tweeting all at once.
Cup of tea calling, spoon rattled loudly
response was instant, comfort was calling.

Memories of my Dad rattle around my brain
no words of love no sounds exchanged,
ruffle of the hair the only acknowledgement.
Came the day a farewell was given
standing on a cold railway station,
shake of the hand a look in the eyes
Gone, gone forever, changes did not happen.

Mother just stood, terror in her eyes,
eldest was leaving she did not know why.
No hugs no kisses just look of dismay
tears flowed but still no interaction
I blame myself for all this unfolding

why oh why am I this way?
I need to stand with parents once more,
Explain, explain what is gone before,
faces and your words drift past me each day
I love you. I loved you what more can I say.

Thursday, January 12, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: emotional,farewell,love and life,parents
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