Mi Cariña Poem by Isabella Night

Mi Cariña

You came around and picked up the pieces of my life that I thought were irreparable.
I swore off love and anything or anyone who could trick me into it again and just tear out my heart.
But you decided to not let me run away like I have been trying to for so long.
You gave me hope, faith, laughter, love...but more importantly: trust.
Trust not only in myself, but in you.
I can trust again.
I thought love would come before I could trust someone with all my heart again.
You've given me faith in myself.
Yes, I know that I still have terrible self-esteem, but you keep making me strive to love myself and to give myself some slack.
I don't handle personal imperfections well, as you know.
But you see past the obvious imperfections that...that he couldn't look past.
And even more shocking, you love me for those imperfections because that's a part of who I am.
The fact that you can look past my imperfections and love me for them and who I am, show that you love me and it makes me love you with all my heart.
I smile more, I laugh, I cry (which I need to, despite my hating it) , and I speak my mind and feelings more willingly.
You know that's been a barrier for me for years.
But you help me strive and move past it.
You're patient throughout my lows and loving throughout my highs.
I couldn't have asked God to give me a more perfect man in my life.
And baby, in my book, you're a man.
Only a man could do for me what you've done.
You're passionnate, intellectual, sarcastic (a plus quality) , patient, cocky, cheesy, caring, loving, talented, trusting, and above all else: you're mine.
I love you.

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