Mid Night Dancing-Gothic Poem-Of My Individual Style Poem by snowheart warlik

Mid Night Dancing-Gothic Poem-Of My Individual Style

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我 的 哥 特 之 风

午 夜 之 舞 一

凋 落 的 空 枝 无 人 呵 护
冷 却 的 激 情 只 有 生 锈 了
被 弃 了 的
铠 甲 卫 戍
午 夜 时 分
迷 失 的 幽 魂 开 始 漫 步
死 去 的 , 含 泪 的 木 偶 翩 翩 起 舞
迈 着 轻 盈 而 沉 重 的 脚 步
鲜 花 的 季 节 已 经 被 时 间 放 逐
荒 寂 了 城 堡 的 难 解 巫 术
葬 送 了 全 部 生 命 的 黑 色 蜘 蛛
是 谁 遥 望 永 远 安 睡 的 公 主 ?
是 谁 等 着 无 力 的 葬 之 殇 的 救 赎 ?
风 之 步
雨 之 路
山 之 孤
夜 之 幕
再 快 乐 而 凄 美 的 舞
也 逃 不 走 命 运 注 定 的 囚 徒

Gothic Poem-Of My Individual Style

Mid night dancing 1

No one take care of the faded bud
But the passing passion still garrisoned by the rusted mail
The homeless ghosts began to take a walk, arisen from the ferocious mud
And the dead doll dances slowly, on fate the glistening nail

With slight smile but ponderous pace, what a good price the beautiful faces would sell
Season of booming expelled, just because of a simple sentence the mysterious spell
Isn’t it that the black spider at the corner buries all
For from the very beginning their dance has no law

The spider’s plaiting a net of memory with the thick past
His night dream awake, wash itself in the heavy dust
His net and his castle simultaneously crushed, so fast, so fast
No results out from this competition, but the manifold shadows all cruelly cast

See, who is watching afar, still eager to join
And, who’s laying in the tomb wait for a hopeless rescue
The different desire of the extent, whose fate’s faces like the coin
And everyone know not the tears streaming down, stained the splendid sorrowful dew

Does a deep despairing sigh enable to console the weeping wind?
Does a deep disappoint sigh enable to save the rainy tears?
Just heave the deep dreary sigh, for the mountainous tragedy with no end
Just heave the deep desolate sigh, for the tomb that night put himself in to cover his ears

No matter, no mater how happy your dances are
Never can you escape from your fate and scar
For murmured song to which you dance is so sad
And a forever prisoner had already predestined in these bloody red

午 夜 之 舞 二

墙 上 长 长 的 舞 步 之 影
隐 瞒 着 血 的 湿 漉
笔 直 的 树 干 被 命 运 压 抑 着 弯 住
瞬 间 的 冻 结 容 不 下 片 刻 的 踌 躇
残 残 的 灯 光 狰 狞 着 死 神 的 祝 福
夜 下 的 谎 言 微 笑 着 庆 祝
明 昧 的 灯 光 撇 开 了 阴 暗 的 无 助
命 运 射 穿 了 时 间 的 角 度
灯 光 的 面 具 可 怖
深 深 划 伤 了 宿 命 的 纹 路
是 谁
回 首 在 遗 忘 而 没 有 结 果 的 穷 途 ?

Midnight Dancing 2

In their unquiet dreams the autumn dews are quivering
The flourishing flowers on which they topple also trying
To forget their fading fate
In their slumbering hate

The doll just waken up, began her dance
With such a good balance
Dancing with tearful eyes she takes a chance
Then graceful paces fall in a total silence

Her face carved with no emotion
Just as a predestined paradox gets no solution
While under the apathetic face there suppressed a deep weep
Whose promise begin with her slight step but ends with heavy heart, too hard to keep

Booming season was frozen in the echoing helplessness
In such a sudden moment
Story’s ending was frozen in the eternal happiness
Brings such a sorrowful torment

No road exists ahead, but sorrow determined to walk along
What you can see is only the wind’s wailing, with the rain pours down
The slowly steps covered a road totally who’s wrong
The end results a lying truth: love is not a devoted passion but a pale noun

See, the repetition of trying to get
See, the repetition of trying to forget
See, the repetition of trying to get out
See, the repetition of trying to die out

Pain of unforgettable evil cannot be covered in silence
Not as their dancing paces, unforgivable devil hold them in such a perfect balance
Pains cannot be eradicated, for the historic root had already been buried
So only can them conflict in a sensitive heart, together with the sorrowful steps they were carried

While, while the woeful weeping ran across its path, decorated with dead wreath
Always, always hold its breath, in the deserted wile of lively health
Listen, listen to the dooming dark dancing in the midnight
And the heavy steps and sighs in such a sad delight

午 夜 之 舞 三

残 花 蕊 上 安 息 着 颤 抖 的 秋 露
睡 醒 的 木 偶 翩 翩 起 舞
毫 无 表 情 的 面 目 压 抑 深 深 的 痛 苦
突 然 迈 起 了 轻 盈 而 沉 重 的 脚 步

鲜 花 的 季 节 凋 零 在 无 助
童 话 的 结 局 已 经 凝 固 了 结 束
死 去 心 脏 的 鲜 血 与 伤 痛 怎 么 也 无 法 止 住
时 间 的 流 逝 永 远 将 不 下 它 忘 却 的 帘 幕

无 路 无 路
风 悲 雨 注
忘 却 的 重 复 浇 灭 了 渐 息 的 脚 步
忘 却 的 时 间 忘 却 了 道 路
忘 却 的 痛 苦 只 能 默 默 掩 盖
而 永 远 无 法 消 除
而 那 忘 却 的 痛 哭 啊
永 远 都 在 屏 住 呼 吸 地 听
听 这 默 默 无 声 的 黑 色 华 丽 的
午 夜 之 舞
还 有 , 还 有 这 沉 重 如 叹 息 的
黑 色 的
脚 步

Midnight Dancing 3

Dancing paces climbed on the wall
And wet blood streaming from the ball
Unwillingly or not, the paces prolonged in a gesture of unchangeable despair
Pretended or not, the woe commits a suicide in the broken air

The distorted mask is still waiting in such a mad honesty
A whole life, spending like this, just for a hopeless rescue
The silent night buries all he ever had, his future, and memory
Whose tears made of glory, and smile smeared by a smart smelly, but soft cruel hue

How sorrowful is the dimming light
How happy is the dying night
Death murmurs his satisfied blessing
When his ferocious lips heaves a heavy caressing

Lies, hidden in the darkness, laugh and congratulate
And the light deeply hurt the path of the fate
The one who was also hurt is the lighting lamp
Abandon himself in such a unbearable damp

Everyone is trying to escape, but no one is allowed to left
Everyone is at his place, but still someone manage to absent
Everyone is busy with his dancing, and no one will lay rest
Everyone is absolutely mad in his dance, and every possibility is deprived of by the crying crescent

See, who’s turning around in the end
The end ends up with forceful forgetfulness
The scars shining like the light can never mend
And what the eternal eyes search for is revenge rather than forgiveness

午 夜 之 舞

被 女 孩 遗 弃 的 布 娃 娃 在 邪 术 师 的 帮 助 下 在 夜 间 变 成 了 人 形 。
女 孩 在 午 夜 之 舞 的 虚 拟 繁 华 的 吸 引 下 误 入 歧 途 , 进 入 了 邪 术 师 控 制 的 城 堡 .
终 于 , 女 孩 发 现 了 邪 术 师 把 人 类 变 成 她 的 布 娃 娃 玩 偶 的 秘 密 .但 厄 运 也 接 踵 而 来 .
布 娃 娃 不 计 前 弃 拯 救 了 女 孩 遭 受 变 成 木 偶 .城 堡 永 远 囚 徒 的 宿 命 .自 己 却 含 泪 与 她 的 再 生 者 -复 仇 的 邪 术 师 在 火 焰 中 一 同 化 为 灰 烬 , 只 留 下 女 孩 当 年 为 她 亲 手 带 上 的 发 夹 .
这 是 一 个 凄 美 忧 伤 的 童 话 。 其 中 我 融 入 了 我 对 三 种 关 系 的 感 受 : 一 种 是 我 对 父 母 对 我 伟 大 无 私 不 求 回 报 的 春 晖 之 恩 的 感 激 与 惭 愧 , 一 种 是 我 对 于 自 己 的 奋 斗 与 现 实 无 动 于 衷 的 残 酷 的 伤 感 与 无 奈 , 另 一 种 则 是 令 我 深 陷 其 中 , 无 法 自 拔 的 无 望 无 力 的 爱 情 。 瑰 丽 的 钻 石 能 在 各 个 角 度 发 现 它 的 不 同 方 面 的 美 丽 , 这 就 是 具 有 美 丽 韵 味 与 深 刻 含 义 的 最 高 文 学 的 美 丽 。

Mid night dancing

A doll, old, dirty and broken, is deserted by her master.But she become a man in the mid of the night with the help of the witch, who also could change a man into a doll with her evil power.
The girl, the original master of the doll goes wrong, under the virtual prosperity. The castle, also deserted, giving off significant lights and attractive music is under control of the witch.
Finally, the girl discovers the secret what the witch do to make a man to a doll. But bad luck also follows. No longer dare she enjoy the midnight dancing.She want to escape but there? ? s nothing she could do.
The kind doll forgive what the girl done with her, and manage to prevent the girl from become a doll –like she used to be-the forever prisoner. But herself become gray ashes in the great flame, together with her life giver the evil witch.Nothing left but the red hairpin, bloody red which the girl gives to her so many years ago.

It is a metaphor that shows how selfless parents are to try their best protecting their children from all harm, even they were deserted by their children when they are in an old age. A society is the witch, she lures the children but parents always rescue them by self sacrifice. Also in this fairytales I show ancient culture and modern culture, saints and mortals and others complex relationships. It is a multisided diamond so you can see different beautiful from different side.

Manonton Dalan 17 September 2008

so beautiful... it's story written in poem. love it.md

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Bill Thomas 31 July 2008

Some startlingly beautiful images here, Snowheart - do write more in your own style, as it makes for compelling reading. Thank you.

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snowheart warlik

snowheart warlik

Jiaozuo, Henan, China
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