Military Commander Poem by Chan Mongol

Military Commander


A face is important as the character teller;

Faces give fear and faces give pleasure!

But we are always divided in to two;

Some with yes and some go with fully no!

Some people find bad energy with those moody;

Some find moody people are without beauty.

I say, don't show the rough face at me notoriously;

Get a life with the light and the spirit to feel smiley!

Why obsessed with the face of a rough and tough military;

In parade duty army has to be looked such relentlessly!

What you think what you are as the neighbor;

Are you jealous, are you in fear and in danger?

I greet but why don't you give me any answer;

Do you think of you as a military commander?

We are not threats and don't feel so nervous;

Why should you show your mean anger at us?

You sure got the complexity of inferiority;

Lets bring peace in faces and prove superiority!

Let all people do daily practice and practice;

Let in their hearts love and harmony increase!

It is my right to criticize your mean character;

Why sticking with nasty, obnoxious behavior?

By Chan Mongol
January 9 of 2023

Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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