Momma Use To Tell Me Poem by Colin Coplin

Momma Use To Tell Me

Momma was always so clever and wise
Momma use to tell me, much good advice
If only I took time to listen, once or twice
Instead of being such a sassy arse voice
I'd be a better man

Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise, momma use to say
Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we may die, was always my cheeky reply.

Momma use to tell me, treat your woman right
Momma use to tell me, to live a full life
Momma use to say, a miss is as good as a mile
A half loaf is better than none, I use to smile

Momma use to tell me, to walk tall and walk proud
Momma use to tell me, to stand out from the crowd
Momma use to say, to look before you leap
He who hesitates is lost, I would quip

Momma use to say, haste makes waste
Momma use to say, he who hesitates is lost.
Momma use to say, great minds think alike
Fools seldom differ, I'd say and then shiver

Momma was always so clever and wise
Momma use to tell me much good advice
If only I took time to listen, once or twice
Instead of being such a sassy arse voice
I'd be a better man

Don't cross your bridges until you come to them, momma use to say
I hear and I forget; I see and I remember; I do and I understand, was my repartee

Momma use to tell me, to always keep your word
Momma use to tell me, many hands make light work
Momma use to say, clothes maketh the man
Never judge a book by it's cover, I would then proclaim

Momma us to say, a stitch in time can save nine
Momma use to say don't change horses midstream
Momma use to say, actions speak louder than words
The pen is mightier than the sword, I'd quickly assert

Mamma use to say, the early bird gets the worm
Momma use to tell me, your never to old to learn
Momma use to say, forewarned is forearmed,
Practice makes perfect, I say with a laugh

Momma was always so clever and wise
Momma use to tell me much good advice
If only I took time to listen, once or twice
Instead of being such a sassy arse voice
I'd be a better man

Copyright Colin Coplin 2012 (updated 2023)

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