Mother Poem by Gangadharan nair Pulingat..


The aged mother was crossing the small wooden bridge
Across a stream with flood waters and currents
She was accompanied by the son who cares her
In her later age of life and in total helplessness
With or without knowledge of the son behind her
Came to touch in her body in a little pressure
Having lost the balance of her body she fall down
In the stream of flood water and having undercurrent
The son helplessly cried for help and told the story
In perfect emotion of sadness we all thought
But in such a stream of heavy flow of flood water
All were helpless and informed the fire force
The people living in the embankment of the river in down
Someone noticed a distant thing coming in heavy flow
Of the river which the stream was flowing the water
The courageous people took the risk to swim
They reached to near the object visible
It was the old lady rescued by a large coconut
which was caught hold by her in such an accident flow
People rescued the mother in good faith and happiness
She was so tired and a little water in her stomach
Doctor came and first aid given and called the son near her
He came with a guilty conscience visible in his face
The mother was kept in a old age home for some time
And when the police made inquiry of the incident
The mother's tender heart told the innocence of her son
It was an accident no doubt I understand
But I am not going to my home for sometime
For my own convenience in the following life
Keep me in an old age home where people like me reside
where their woes can be shared and mine to them
The world is now somewhat irresponsible
where the sons and daughters are reluctant to look after
Their own parents who loved them and cared them.

The aged mother while crossing a small stream with flood water was fall down in the stream and the son was accompanying her and ultimate she got a coconut which made her alive and flow through the river and people rescued. The world is negating some rights of the elderly people and the responsibility lies in the nearest sons and daughters as well as other relatives. They must give some sympathy and rights for a dignified living in later years.
Anand Brown 14 May 2014

Touching poem about the realities many old aged people have to face as elders unable to do much for themselves. The poem is evocative and written with strong emotion. Again the narrative quality with which you write is seamless and second to none. Absorbing and enticing. Very good poem.

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Colleen Courtney 02 May 2014

As a part-time caretaker for the elderly I can totally relate to this poem. Years and years ago when there were no nursing or homes for the elderly it wasn't even thought about. Children and family took in and cared for their elders. It breaks my heart to see the elderly thrown into these places and basically just pushed out of the way of their busycchildren's lives. Very sad what the world has come to. This is a truly lovely poem.

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