Mother Nature Poem by Luke Easter

Mother Nature

Rating: 5.0

Beauty of nature lies within this rose,
Capturing the very essence of my soul,
Across my heart to the mirror of mind,
Flows a golden spring forgotten in time.

Still with no limits the waves roar at see,
Eventually to vanish far away from me,
Hungry for affection with an honest touch,
From the smallest river to the oceans much.

Gently the water recycles to beckoned call,
For entrances to her doors via the waterfall,
Thirsty in a promise to be heartfelt and true,
Protected angels reformed as mountain dew.

With the grace of water comes a constant flow,
A Joy never before known it continually grows,
Comfort keeping her glad with the view on land,
Perpetual strength through one wave of her hand.

Hidden from the surface view far along the deep,
Where some creatures lie in wait as others weep,
A hungry taste of the kill whether bitter or sweet,
Only made possible through the rustle of her feet.

The highest mountain beyond, farthest unseen star,
Presence of greatness in reality where we never are,
A throne so vast there’s no beginning, it has no end,
Who am I, who are you, even to try & comprehend?

The sky with countless planets, moons, shining stars,
Unable to be named or numbered residing near or far,
Can mankind be master without being able to control?
Essence of emotions lay uneasy within our own souls.

Come to me the waters will sorrowfully wail, moan, cry,
As they flow in a duel harmony of love never to say die,
Not to be calm until she speaks when victory is claimed,
1 sole ruler of the universe, Mother Nature is her name.

w/Eyan Desir

Eyan Desir 11 October 2009

I think this poem is very nice but Luke you could have being more creative and use other words. you know what I mean golden could of been crystal and so on....but good job 10sss

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Luke Easter

Luke Easter

Cleveland, Ohio
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