Mother's Love Poem by Carol Tepana

Mother's Love

My mother's Love was not like others
For I did not know her till late in my thirty
She was there but not my mother,
In yet she was, strong and sturdy
Beaming eyes, that was so wide
for I found her and she found me,
It felt like two strangers meeting for the first time
not knowing what to say, all that left our mouths
was a murmur of a few words, I'm fine
But our hearts had abundance of love, enormous wealth
For we yearned for many years, to meet
Holding back our tears, we often hid in our retreats.
When finally we could no longer stop this pounding heart,
Longing for each other that nothing could keep us apart.
We step out into the light, for we had each other insight
For I am now a mother and understood my mother's plight.
For it's a mother's love that brought us together.
It is an unbreakable bond that has bounded us
From the time she gave birth, which my cries were unearth
she has not forgotten me, only allowing to be free
Of such misery that she had endured for it was My mother's Love
That she give me, which I have gave my daughters indeed,
For a mother's love has its own degree...started from a tiny small seed
Only woman bleed, for a mother's love is there to read.

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