Mother's Day ‘23 Poem by Tristian Ford

Mother's Day ‘23

Your Son apologizes
for being such a knucklehead as a kid.
For all the pain he ever caused,
For all the wrong he ever did.
You are the person to him,
The meaning of
Patient Patience

Your Son caused
you to have so much frustration.
Although his deeds were flagrant,
Your prayers for your baby boy
Continued to be heard
And so He continued to
Keep awaking

God obviously listened to you praying
A Sweet-Scented Fragrance
The love for your son was
As every inch of the world, our home,
and Cedar Street begins

If I knew then what I know now
About the direction one was to take
You warned me when you saw the unusual
Behavior and risk your son had to make

If he knew then what he knows now
He would never be
Omitting the compliments and commonplace
About the sacrifices you were constantly
As it was for you then-it is for him now,
So so heartbreaking

Your Son apologizes for the wounds
The broken bottles he was constantly breaking
You crawled over broken glass
To save your son
Because it was your baby boy the streets were taking
I was confused
Taking your aiding for suffocating
Am I to blame for constantly escaping
If he knew then what he knows now
Under your wings, he'd be staying.

your son caused
stress levels to fluctuate
While I was out getting high
You were inside feeling low
Upon his return
You were the only one to notice the change
Your baby boy was constantly fading
Because of your prayers
Obstacles that we're difficult
But not insuperable
The hours you spent praying
Little would he know how innumerable
How you loved your baby boy, so

Happy Mother's Day
Dementia made it so
Who does he talk to?
What Is he to do?
Where I am to go?
When should you ever know?
Who's praying for me now?
How did he learn the biggest lesson?

He wanted nothing more but for you to know
For you,
He wanted to show
God taught me to develop
And learn those lessons
On a noble and commanding scale,
You kept emphasizing

I was a tad bit late
Upon my release
Your memory isn't the same
Your baby boy just doesn't know
What to do
Without the only person that loved him so

Happy Mother's Day

Strength and dignity are her clothing
She laughs at the time to come.
She opens her mouth with wisdom
The teaching of kindness was always on her tongue.

-Proverbs 31: 25-26
My mother was never trying to suggest that I should be perfect.
But, she was a great example of what it looks like to apply wisdom in our lives.
I just wanted to show you how your son finally embodied those characteristics you constantly described.

Mother's Day ‘23
Monday, May 15, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: mother and child
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