My Bad Life Poem by Sweta Leena Panda

My Bad Life

Don’t know why I feel like
My bad shadows are finally going to free me
They are dancing in my soul
Sorrow slips over me like rain usually does on soft skin
it as cold as marble stone.
I'm overwhelmed by this sudden state of neutrality
Feeling tough as my life is rough
I sense that I am no longer alone in my lonely journey,
some little angels whispering music to my hear that’s really inaudible.
I cannot understand a thing of what they're saying.
Silence is the beauty that I behold,
Sometimes I feel Let the life how it is going
Sometimes I feel let me give some time to make it perfect
I am not going to lose my hope
Like when caterpillar feels life is going to end it becomes butterfly
Everyone is there to laugh at you
But nobody is there who can cry with you
This is the world where I am living
Now neither I am expecting anything nor am I blaming to anyone
I have problem with my lord & my misfortune
Whom I scold and why I scold
If my own life feel jealous on me then whom I blame
Oh, yes! My life is painful I know it
Still I find peace within it
People are here spreading rumors about me
People around me busy in spoiling my image & career
People behave me abnormally
Still I am living keeping my life problems separately
I have decided I’ll not give up my life
Let me try to make my dreams true
When life is going through bad situations no one stands beside you
Even your image also left you alone
As they feel it may be contagious
They may affected the sorrow kind of disease
No one really cares no one really understand
This is the unique world
Neither your family not outsiders who really deserves for your life
This is the world that I know
I wanna go very far but before that I have to be that much eligible first
I wanna got somewhere, where I can get the peace first
I am searching love & peace around me
Whereas I born with faulty birth moon time
My life taught me tolerates everything & don’t say anything to anyone
My life always ask me one question
Don’t say anything to anyone otherwise people will call you mad
No one will believe you & no one cares for you
Whom you are going to say & why you are going to say
Is there anyone who really cares for you?
Who really wants your success?
Who really wants to see your smile?
Who really loves you?
Is there anyone left who really loves you
Is there anyone left?
If no then why you are worry & for whom
Precede your life but never give up your life
You don’t know miracle can happen at anytime
Much time I want to give up my life
However in next moment when I realize my purpose of my life
I give up the thought life murder myself
I know many people are there who wanna literally kill me
Who actually wants I should die
Some told me in front of my face & some in back
Even I know if I’ll die today many people will become’ll make merry
Still I am suborn I’ll try till my death & never ever give up
I am in right place
Ha, people are moving as per rumors to ruin my dream
However no one wants to know me personally
I give you challenge, go and research about me, my careers & my life
You’ll not get any black spot or bad mark
I am conscious even very strict
That’s why I have too many enemies
Still I don’t care I can’t support wrong & bad
I am moving forward as per my life plan
Let God decides what gonna happen next
I am trying as per my talent
Let my God decides next
Yes, I'm going' down to the wonderful life
yes, I'm switching to another world
yes, I'm going down on the perfect dream
yes, I'm going' down with broken ribs
yes, I'm going' towards my day dreaming

My Bad Life
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Abdulrazak Aralimatti 17 December 2015

Verily, a strong commitment, bold and headstrong.

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