My Constant Poem by Melanie Walendowsky Baker

My Constant

Hands that aren't held,
but are felt.
Hands that comfort me
in my sorrow.

The distance makes
an empty seat
of the one by my side.
But I feel your tears
as if they were mine.

You show me my way,
without even being here.
You show me you care
during my angst and despair.

You are my constant
my one certainty.
You have shown me that
and now I believe.

You're the wall I lean against,
when I'm gasping for air;
the one who takes me home
after too many beers!

You're the one who watches over
every little step I take,
and without being present,
you're still always here.

This heart of yours
I feel is mine,
that radiates love
and all that is yours.
All the little quirks
that make you you.
How is it that the whole
world can't see what I do?

I may be selfish
in having this thought,
but there's more left for me,
then, is there not?

Your friendly face.
Your spritely grace.
Your beauty throughout,
there's nothing to doubt.

You're my unwaivering light.
You give me respite.
You're my friend through and through.
Oh, thank you God,
for bringing me you.

(In dedication to true friendship, and to my true friend, who knows who she is.)

(Itajaí,07 June,2009)

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