My Everything Pizza Poem by .xsadiax. .xsultanax.

My Everything Pizza

I ordered an 'everything' pizza
which probably was a mistake.
For it came with a bag full of doughnuts;
it came with a shovel and rake.

It came with a woman named, Ida.
It came with a man from Peru.
It came with a half jar of peanuts.
It came with somebody's left shoe.

It came with a clown from the circus.
It came with a butterfly net.
It came with a small piece of Kleenex
onced used by Marie Antoinette.

It came with an open umbrella.
It came with some old smelly socks.
It came with a picture of Lassie,
and two lovely grandfather clocks.

It came with a nice set of dishes.
It came with a stale loaf of bread.
It came with a sack of potatoes.
It came with a four-poster bed.

It came with a dining room table.
It came with a washer and dryer.
It came with a broken guitar string.
It came with a radial tire.

It came with a Golden Retriever.
It came with a basket of fruit.
It came with a bottle of mustard.
It came with a red rubber boot.

It came with a college professor.
It came with a hive full of bees.
And then - this is simply amazing -
They forgot to put on any cheese!

Teacher 06 July 2020

No it's not. It's a famous one you have copied.

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This Is My Own Poem. =D

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