My God, How Am I Supposed To Live Without You Poem by Jocelyn Dunbar

My God, How Am I Supposed To Live Without You

Rating: 3.0

My heart, mind, thoughts, emotion, feeling, sense,
Sight speaks. The same thing day by day in the life; in the past,
From the present and the future, and from then on and on.
Works, ideas, and responsibilities with many different
Things around,

How am I supposed to live with purpose and meaning,
Holding life in any situation? How am I supposed to
Value life in any activity in a different situation
How am I supposed to live with much pain, sorrow and
Hurt, tension, stress, and anxiety.
Where is the courage to move and go forward
I am weak and exhausted.

Thinking of you in my life, talking to you
Being Father in heaven watching on earth.
What a marvelous, fantastic intention you have given me.
I close my eyes and found myself at rest in you,
I have never been alone.

People take my peace away, but you did bring it back to me.
Somehow Oh God, someday you will carry me to
My real journey of life. The finest hour and moment
To shine and shout to say, ' Thank You. '

How am I supposed to live without you, God?
I do not know; I will hold on to you.

© Jocelyn Dunbar
19 July 2007
8: 25 PM

Saturday, August 18, 2007
Topic(s) of this poem: verse
Jocelyn Dunbar

Jocelyn Dunbar

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