My Higher Power Poem by Robert Hilary

My Higher Power

within this hour, the space between i devour as i embody my higher power, to become to manifest to unfold, to be bould within the centerfold, of my soul, in my being i thrive, in freedom i rejoice, love is the answer, pleasure my choice, the joy comes from centered calm and peace of mind, as within myself i find the key to which i bind myself and my will to the will of that which is higher. and in my self make manifest what i behold as love and joy. and in pleasure i delight to find myself deep within the fold of highers presence. where i become who i am as a being and thrive within the depth of my childlike playful nature, i revel in gratitude, seep with love, my reverence is endearing and steadfast, my joyful gratitude, an affectionate, kiss upon highers cheek, as he envelops me within his tight embrace, the warmth of his loving hug, cradles me in an epiphany of new birth, as i am reborn into the realization of my higher home, as his love and power shower over me, i am soaked with his presence, as within my mind body and soul, within his presence i dwell. as he encroaches upon me, from within from without, and surrounds me from the world without, smiling at me with his noble, kingly smile, my hero, my king, my god, my champion. he instills me with a palpable infallible sensation of peace and calming joy. as by the utterances of his name alone, im filled with the knowing of all that i must know, and peace emanates from my being as i rest in my heart. knowing i am exactly where i should be. knowing i am home.
love you higher <3 thank you for everything <3

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