My Highest Priority Poem by Nellie Isabelle Steward Cooper

My Highest Priority

My highest priority in life is to have absolutely no priorities! ! ! !

I do have some priories however - my highest priority is to have none

Let's all have some fun under the pleasantly setting summer sun....

Speaking of none, how can such a thing happen that makes or leaves one second to none? ? ? ...

None must be terrific, a truly amazing and unique individual or person

Also none must be somehow super-duper and perhaps a non human, an entity that cannot be described or defined

One thing is certain, even if one should somehow be in first place, they are second to none, (as they gleefully assume this position) - this has happened many-many times before

I do imply, intimate or otherwise infer that no matter how great or outstanding one may be, while sitting on the pinnacle of success and eating their favorite ice cream.. (and exuberantly proclaiming to the world) oh, this tastes sooooo good - they still are second to none

You may say (by - golly - I disagree with you) with great gusto, you are wrong, wrong, wrong this is just silly grammar school nonsense and has no part in the real world

I reply to you... This is the real world today, as it reaches the unexplored and mysterious universe and the far-far reaches of outer space

My Highest Priority
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