My Honorable Lord Anti-Christ Poem by John Fenton Mcleish

My Honorable Lord Anti-Christ

western civilization
must be wiped from the face of the earth
evil personification
to the devil has given birth

no longer can it be tolerated
wreaking havoc upon the world
oligarchy to be exterminated
or to hell we will all be hurled

under the guise of democracy
and humanitarianism
tyrants abuse bureaucracy
for industrial militarism

systematic murder
of the young and the old
a socialist fascist order
so ruthless and bloody cold

hospitals become abattoirs
to eliminate the useless ones
when the slave no longer labors
upon society is a burden

euthanasia, abortion
killing to balance the books
bankers decide the portion
who shall hang upon the hooks

when you can no longer make a profit
for the petrodollar machine
by doctors to be liquidated
clinically and squeaky clean
//this poem may contain copying errors

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