My Little Bird (English) Poem by Franz Israel

My Little Bird (English)

Rating: 4.5

You're like that little bird I look
forward and hope to see every year
and that visits me only in the spring.

That beautiful bird that you can watch
for hours and never get tired of it.
That bird that flies like no other.
Your fly is not a flight is more
like a wonderful dance.

That beautiful bird that awakes the desire
to capture it and put it in a beautiful
crystal box rather than waiting
three seasons to see it.

That bird that arrives with the spring and
renews the color of the leaves and
the flowers of my garden.

Your flap always beats to the sound of the
branches of the neighboring trees and your
singing is so sweet that it scares away my storms.

Ohh! Finally it is time for your singing!
Time to love. Sing to me little bird!
Share with me your lovely melody.

In my garden, I want to hear your singing;
and go into a gentle sleep and rest. Now
I understand, why my little bird fills my soul again
with deep joy.

Fly high little bird; fly always return navigating the winds,
Enter quietly in my garden, call at my door and surprise me with
your singing, because your flying is my air and your singing is my dream.

By Franz Israel

Copyright Franz Israel. All rights reserved

Gajanan Mishra 05 June 2013

little bird fills my soul, very fine one. I invite you to read my poems and comment.

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Krazi Smith 05 June 2013

hey that's a good one! ! ! ! check out. IDGAF poem. really good.... please leave a comment!

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