My Little Garden Helper (Friendship Friendship Friendship Friendship) Poem by Udiah (witness to Yah)

My Little Garden Helper (Friendship Friendship Friendship Friendship)

You were just a little girl
With sparkling eyes and hair a curl
As if it were just yesterday
You'd brightened my life in many a way

I did not recognize you standing there
A young woman who looked so fair
I had to ask one just who you were
And they replied, 'that's Al over there'

I used to call you ‘Alley Cat'
To tease you for this and that
But now that you are all grown up
I haven't a clue as to how I address you
So I guess Alison will have to do

A beautiful lady The Good Lord has made
May His kindness in you never ever fade

Your Uncle

Jeffery 18 September 2018

Suck a bitchs...................

2 2 Reply
Patricia Grantham 13 August 2013

She was a beautiful flower in your garden with her curly hair. Lots of love exemplified in this lovely and short write. Yes God did make all things beautiful.

6 3 Reply
Heather Wilkins 30 July 2013

a nice sonnet. enjoyed the read. filled with emotions

4 3 Reply
David Wood 23 July 2013

A lovely sonnet of love. I like it.

5 3 Reply
Tirupathi Chandrupatla 22 July 2013

Beautiful expression of love and affection and deep sentiments.

4 3 Reply
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