My Nan Poem by Leann Hall

My Nan

Rating: 4.5

With her sparkly bright eyes and deep red hair
The loss we feel now seems too much to bare,
Why her? Why now? It just seems so unfair
But God made his choice and he wants her there

A bright shining star she always will be
Deep in our hearts for all us to see
It seems hard to let go, believe me I know
But were filled with memories and those memories will flow
We have to remember all that she means
To her family and friends she lives on in our dreams

And now comes the time we must say goodbye
Nana I’ll miss you, I’ll try not to cry
I’ll carry your love deep down in my soul
One day we’ll meet and again we’ll feel whole

Leann Thorniley 13 February 2007

Thank you so much Michael and Alison. Your comments have helped me to my decission that I will leave the poem exactly as it is and I will be reading the poem at my nan's funeral tomorrow. Thanks again. Leann x

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Alison Smith 12 February 2007

I agree with Michaael leave exactly like it is... she will be so proud of you.... Alison

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Michael Shepherd 12 February 2007

Leann, Don't do a thing to it, it's perfect for the occasion as it is..they may not remember all the words off by heart, but they'll remember you reading it and the tone of your voice, and that's what matters. And you'll all feel better for it... Sorry to hear of your loss. In time, when you talk of your memories of her, she'll be there with you in every way that you remember her... Michael

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Leann Hall

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