My Own Selfishness Poem by Mathew Sutter

My Own Selfishness

In the beggining,
I used to think that I was unique and special,
And I let that get to my head.

As the years passed,
This little diesease,
Inside of me,
Started to spread like cancer,

And like a curse,
I started to change too.
I became rude,
But I became better looking.
I stopped caring,
But I had the best smile.
I became depressed,
But I was thought of as a handsome.

As the years passed,
This little diesease,
Started to spread like cancer,
To the point were it was a monster.

I used to think so little of myself,
But now,
Now I think highly of myself,
And not in a good way.
I talk about people behind their back,
And don't like anyone else but myself.
This monster called selfishness,
Consumed me.
My sould became black,
And not even the light of a candle,
Can bring me back.
I am stuck in this hole,
And I can't get out,
No one can get me out.
If they try and help me,
The rope is always too short.

But I know now,
The workings of my own selfishness,
But it is too late,
Because not even a candle light,
Can bring me back,
From this black hell hole.

Mathew Sutter

Mathew Sutter

Hampton, Virginia
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