My Painted Walls Poem by Bleeding Heart

My Painted Walls

My Painted Walls
I have been painting all my life.
That I no longer remember what life was like without them.
I cannot see what life would be like without them.
My Painted Walls.
This type of painting is nothing like any other type of painting.
It is not like watercolor or acrylic.
It is not done on a sheet of paper…It is done around the soul.
My Painted Walls.
I have so many coats…Far too many to ever count.
I want to remove them…And reveal the true, real me.
But it hurts so much to do so.
My Painted Walls.
However, most of all…I'm afraid of what you might do.
I'm afraid that you will say mean things.
I'm so afraid that I might lose you.
My Painted Walls.
But for you my dear friend,
I will remove my coats real slow…So you must be patient with me.
I want you to understand…I need you to like what you see.
My Painted Walls.
Now finally I have removed all my coats.
I feel bare, naked and cold…But you still love me anyway because you are my friend who's heart is as pure as gold.
But let me keep my paintbrush with me…Let me hold it in my hand.
Until, when comes the day, that I love me too.

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