My True Story About Bullying Poem by cris son.

My True Story About Bullying

I don't know why people have to do that. Act the way they do. Make fun of people, bully them, tear there spirits down, till there's nothing left. Just so that one person can feel good about themselves. I was a happy kid once, I didn't care what other people said or thought. But as I got older, the bullying just kept on getting colder. I lost all my friends, and I gained an over protective mother. Telling me how to live my life, who my friends were, who I should date, it was like she was trying to live her life through me, not caring what I want, not even caring how I felt. I felt so alone and hurt. I had no one. I was so terrified to leave the house. I quit school, spent days in my room, only came out sometimes. I wouldn't talk to people, afraid they might bully me to. But it didn't matter, I couldn't totally run away from it all. They would bully me online, like quitting school just wasn't enough. I use to have a dream, I wanted to become a writer or an actress, but I let the bullying get the best of me, I let them trash me, I let them destroy my dreams. I'm stuck on the island with those bullies, who need an accuse to bully people. I know they may think there being funny. But don't they know there words actually hurt? ?

By: cris son
Age: 17

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