My Unnamed Host Poem by Sadiqullah Khan

My Unnamed Host

From the wool of desire,
We been spinning, the setting sun’s demise,
These cold winds shall carry
Kisses of love, and flower’s fragrance
Demeaning selfishness in love,
We were seeking in each other
Another night of separation.
Below, the towers of city, which shall
Grow on me, while I prepare to leave, to some
Destination hitherto unknown. And you on your way.

I am escaping you, stealing my glances
We stand on the edge of knowing each other,
Having spent two hundred years of love
And you hosting me –I am an ungrateful guest,
I fear your advancing steps, fear the unknown -
A difficulty speaking out, away from the walls,
We were looking for ‘things’ to find a way to talk on,
Hiding beneath words, in books, in gossip about others.

The lips would not let, like crystal
Or broken glass, a cracking sweet laughter
You had a wish for the last dance, and I,
Still ravaged by the time’s ultimate denomination.
I did not write you, a dedication,
I shall be writing you in my poems, I had been feeling
You with intensity, and weaving you
In the threads of my thought, thriving on your beauty.
And I dedicate this to you, -you my unnamed host.

“We all carry within us our places of exile, our crimes, and our ravages. But our task is not to unleash them on the world; it is to fight them in ourselves and in others.”
Albert Camus

Sadiqullah Khan
February 20,2014.

Lovers At The Gate by John Atkinson Grimshaw @ John Atkinson Grimshaw, The Complete Works

Sunday, May 25, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: love and art
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