My Upanishadic Birdie Pie 4 Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

My Upanishadic Birdie Pie 4

Rating: 5.0

I know now,
That I have to open the windows of my heart,
Let the scented mountain breeze blow in,
Fill it with contentment,
Courage and compassion,
And loads and loads of love!
Before that, I needed to evacuate the foul air
That inhabited the chambers of my heart,
Drive out the infected and toxic gas,
So that the perfume of pure love wafted in!

As my little birdie friend,
Flitted about from branch to branch,
From tree to tree,
From country to country,
Without any restrictions,
I needed to move about freely too,
Within the compartments of my heart and
To chase off the unwanted barriers,
To transform,
To grow!

I need to think right by remaining calm
And peaceful,
And then, open out and pour out
The elixir of love!
But this can happen only if the doors
Of my tiny heart are always open,
To let in the fragrant breeze of love,
Without any hindrances,
Without any blockages!
Just like my black and white birdie-pie!

My Upanishadic Birdie Pie 4
Friday, October 21, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: bird,nature,spiritual,spirituality
Shruti Verman 08 July 2020

****I needed to move about freely too, Within the compartments of my heart and To chase off the unwanted barriers, To transform, To grow! **** I follow this mantra too & reading it coming from you had reaffirmed my faith that i am on the right path..

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Dr Antony Theodore 25 November 2018

Let the scented mountain breeze blow in, Fill it with contentment, Courage and compassion, And loads and loads of love! ...let out all the foul air. fill myself with calmness, love. loads of love. serene i s your poem dear poetess. lovely desires full of noble thoughts. tony

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Kumarmani Mahakul 21 March 2018

You have nicely penned that we should open the windows of our hearts to let in the scented mountain breeze and to fill it with contentment, courage and compassion, and love. Before this we must let out the foul air. Like little birdie we should move freely. Beautiful philosophical poem presented amazingly.

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Valsa George 04 November 2016

These series of birdie poems are so appealing, Geeta. Yes, we have to breathe out the impure and toxic air inside us and fill our hearts and lungs with the pure and fragrant air of love....! Let the doors of our heart be open to admit God and our fellow men! Beautiful!

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