Mystery Of Love Poem by Chiazo Egbukwu

Mystery Of Love

Here I lay, beseeching
The heavens to come and seize my breath.
So the ghost of my Angelina will stop bewitching,
But rather let me go back to death.

Let these miseries that has stolen my treasure
My pearl, my angel, which has killed my sexual pleasure
Will come to an end,
So I will never again on any women's love depend.

"After all, from the dead earth we all came and to it we'll all return", I heard this strange voice echoing from within.

Never have I heard or seen in all my life
Such a virtuous women; a destiny made wife
Whose unconditional love even the angels above
With jealousy, peep at us and roars, "could love
Be this pure, solemn, sincere and sacred? "
And they vowed to divide us in death.

Hasn't my message to the smoke ever gotten to heaven?
Or my appeal for justice yet to get to the god of heaven?
"Gods case, no appeal", they wishers again
With mock, adding yet another chain of pain
To my already horrified hope
That may not with this condition cope.

They say ‘she was daughter of the wind'
And to it, it must return in time out of mind
For them to reunite for another desperate eternity
Longing and godless fraternity.

‘I will never do without you', she
Had whispered, patting me that we'll always be.
Another month gone, she's yet to return
With her smile. Now I remember of that ‘road of no return'
Her best book which had vanished from the bookshelf
Like unstable shadow of oneself.

How I wish the wind will blow
And bring you back for good
Or flow
And let me return to your hood.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: love and pain
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