Nature Denies Poem by suchetana lahiri

Nature Denies

Rating: 5.0

The bird still sang in melody, on that branch
tip toing itself as if to add on a dance.
He looked a little more than happy today
I was meeting him after a month, sure he had loads to say.

The garden same as everyday, majestically adorned in green and yellow,
the path that led me, was radiating a halo.
I sat beneath the peepal tree, waiting to hear from him..
the reason of his happiness had i come to take part in.

He never came down to talk to me, but only gazed from far,
I never lived up to his expectations, i was such a failure.
Angry and annoyed I thought he was, he shifted his branch..
today when selfish I came ashamed and damned, wanting a chance.

He denies the bond we ever shared, the love we ever had..
but he still continued to sing in melody on that branch,
tip toing itself as if to add on a dance.

suchetana lahiri

Jazib Kamalvi 13 December 2017

A sublime start with a nice poem, Suchetana. You may like to read my poem, Love And Lust. Thank you.

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Siva Gangadhar 26 November 2009

this poem seems u hv a gr8 taste in nature., anyhave the poem is really superb

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Siva Gangadhar 26 November 2009

this poem seems u hv a gr8 taste in nature., anyhave the poem is really superb

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