Need To Prevell By Poem by christian guice

Need To Prevell By

We hav to come together as a nation and stop fightin and quit thinkin of our self and realize wat we doing and tell the difference between reality and fatalty an imagined and fiqure out the relation buz we are all brother and sister and an way keep a postive attitude cuz if we do then we will come together'

'We need to change are ways before the ways changes us'

'We are here for a purpose we wasn't here by default so we need to come together before it's too late and keep a strong attitudes and stick up for what we believe despites the persecutions'

'Life iz a mystery in which we can't solve the problem there are many clues in are face but we don't realize the message beyond wat it iz trying to say to us'

'We enjoy hot because we have been cold.
We appreciate light beyond us because we have been in cloud of darkness.

By the same token, we can experience joy because we have known sadness.reveal a secret that it iz hard for us even compare the body's elements of mysteries in grave in my heart livin in tha drama which try to get in tha way of lov and passion reaction of tryin to get sadfactshenn

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